ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: A Robot-Like Skills Set that might Destroy Human Skills was Rapidly Spreading Like a Fire

WHAT IS AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE(AI)? This is an Intelligent Behaviour of the Machines were usually performed by a human. All the things that Human can do are now transitioning to Robot or Machine. Computer Science experts are creating this intelligent machines to work and act like a human and can even do more than that. With this kind of Machine Behaviour, it could be undoubtedly true enough that in the next few years or so, Robot will replace Human in most of the business operations. There is no doubt, biggest companies today like Google, Apple, Microsoft , and even small-scale IT-enabled companies in Telcos, E-Commerce and other Business are investing a lot today to install intelligence to their platforms and this is a threat for everyone in the whole world. This transformation in Technology was spreading rapidly like a fire. Cortana, Siri and other similar voice assisted platform is a big threat for most people wor...