Python Made Easy: A Data Science-Workshop for Beginners and Aspiring Analysts

In this Training-Workshop on "PYTHON MADE EASY: A Data Science Workshop for Beginners" we are going to train the participants to learn the very basics of Python from understanding the language, the structure, the libraries, the IDEs and all other basics of Python. 

Let us start by understanding PYTHON? What exactly PYTHON is? Who are the mostly the users of PYTHON? What is PYTHON for?

PYTHON is a FREE, Open-source programming language. All you need to do is to install Python once and you can immediately used it using its pre-installed IDE  called IDLE. There are many IDEs avaliable to choose from. If you are more on DATA SCIENCE projects, you can choose to install ANACONDA,  if you want to do the general thing, you can install other IDEs such as PyCHARM, SpyDder, Thonny, etc.

Dear Participants:

Greetings of Wisdom.

We are proud to announce the first ever Data Science Workshop for 2020.

The objective of this initiative is to help students, Research Enthusiasts, Administrators, Guidance Counselors, Psychometricians, Research Personnel, Data Analysts, Thesis/Dissertation Advisers, Graduate Students, Research Analyst, aspiring Data Scientist and other resources involved in daily reporting, creation of dashboard, involved in any visualization task, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Leaning and the like.

This is your time to shine.

We have different customization of modules where you can choose to attend and we can also conduct an in-house training for your organization.

Python Made Easy: A Data Science Workshop for Beginners

WHEN: January 25, 2020

WHERE: PaperWork Ph
Mezzanine AL Building #1 Campanilla cor. E. Rodriguez
Quezon City, Philippines Quezon City 1112

REGISTRATION: Early Bird = Php. 5,500
Late/Same Day = Php 7,500

MOBILE: 0928- 508 2636

If you are very keen to become a World Class Data Scientist, don't let this opportunity pass. LEARN Now!!! ACT Now!!!


Data Engine Training and Consultancy


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