Compilation of Topics related in Conduct Research, Survey, Thesis or Dissertation from Formats to the Sample Size and Analysis of the Results


We all know what research is and we are all aware that is plays a vital role in all sectors and industries from the Academic Institutions, to Business Sectors, including Medical and Health Allied Services, Social Sectors and all others. No Sectors are excuse of not conducting research because it also help them improved their services and developed product recommendations which will help their consumers in many ways. 

Once again, we were able to validate the benefits of research in the Medical and Health Allied Sectors, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Laboratories for coming-up solutions to many health related problems, and clinical research and laboratory experiments to develop Vaccines for Covid-19. 

Final requirements in Academic Institutions is submitting Research and Survey in the form of a Thesis or Dissertations for Post-Graduate Students. Residents Doctors and Physician also required to conduct research for their residency and for them to improved their competencies. 

To help Students and Researchers, I decided to embark this initiative to build a video lecture presentations for them to be guided with the preliminaries of conducting Research.

Table of Contents

3. Population, Sample, Sampling, Sampling Frame, Sampling Techniques

4. How to Compute for the Sample Size.



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