Be Patient With the Process

After thousands of phone calls and job opportunity offers here and abroad. After hundreds of resume modifications, I am happy to announce that I landed my very dreamed job and that is to become a Data Scientist at Accenture Philippines.

After college graduation in 2004, I am always eyeing to work with Accenture. I tried to send my resume but to no avail, instead, I've been to many companies working as a Statistician and Instructor in various Universities.

My corporate career was started in 2013 when I became the Senior Executive for Statistical Operations at the Nielsen Company. I've learned a lot of things from Nielsen. I became the responsible worker. My career began flourished as  I move from one company to another until I became the Sr. Investment Analyst at a company in Makati City, Philippines.

After 9 months of stay in the company in 2016, I was terminated. There was a Data Scientist from facebook whose looking for a Statistician to become part of his book. All he wanted was to ask for a few questions and that's it. It is not a job. It has no monetary benefits. It was just a plain interview. I replied to his post on Facebook by saying, "I am interested". An HR from that company took notice of that Facebook post and she calls my Manager's attention. I was charged for the conflict of interest and was terminated after 9 months of stay.

I was at the PEAK of my career when I was terminated. I have a very good credit standing. I have so many credit cards. I was able to buy a house and lot, and cars. I have helped my parents to build our house. Because of what happened to my career in 2016, everything was gone - my house, my cars are returned back to the bank. I have unpaid Credit Cards.

Since I was at the PEAK of my career, I feel that my salary is the reason why it is hard for me to look for a new job. Only a few companies can offer the same salary. I  went to Singapore and Malaysia in 2016 to look for opportunities but to no avail. I went back to the Philippines. I am totally depressed as I can't pay my Credit Cards. They're calling me almost every minute of the day. I feel hopeless and I felt that I can do nothing. All I can do was to cry.

I've been jobless for almost 2 years. Interest from my Credit Cards rose to Millions. Early in 2018, I went to Malaysia to look for a job. I was very lucky because I passed all the requirements and the company in Malaysia offered me the Data Scientist role.

They've asked me to go back to the Philippines to prepare all the requirements and I did. When everything was prepared I thought that it was all fine. Due to some  Government Bilateral agreement with Malaysia, my employment visa was delayed.

Due to a very long process of employment procedures, I decided to accept the job opportunities at Accenture. At last, after almost 2 months, I was able to start my career as a Digital Data Engineer Associate Manager.

ACCENTURE is one of the best company. Accenture has given me the opportunity to expand my horizon. They trained me to the latest needs in the Market today. They enrolled me to SAS and was able to become a SAS Programmer. I was a CERTIFIED SAS user.

At last, I am now working for the company that once  I am wishing for.

It has been a very difficult, rough and most tragic experience of my career. It was a very emotional and most depressing situation.

To cope up with this situation, here are my pieces of advice to you.

1. Networking with different professionals - Linkedin professional social network helps me a lot.
2. While waiting for the job opportunities that match your skills, explore other Work-From-Home opportunities.
3. Improve your skills by undergoing online skills development tutorial or class.
4. Be patient with the process.


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