Tell Me About Yourself

Tell me about yourself?

This is one of the hardest and tricky questions from an Interviewer.

If the applicant is not prepared for this question, the probability that they will fail during the interview is very high. 


Because the main purpose of the question is for the interviewer to identify or determine what can you contribute to the company? 

Remember that they will be going to pay your services for them? 

They will compensate you for your contribution. 

Why they will hire you? 

What is about you that stands out among other applicants? 

Ondvice is to avoid telling your personal information. An interviewer is not interested in your family background, about your age, at your school where you graduated. 

Answer this question by highlighting your PROFESSIONAL life and how this relates to the Position your applying for.

To do this, you may want to highlight your Education, Experiences and Professional Qualities and try to negate all of these to the position you are applying for. 

Read the Job Description twice, thrice until you understand the requirements that they are looking for.

Assess yourself if you are fit for the role.

If you're a new graduate and it was your first time applying for the role, highlights your relevant experience during college. Highlights your college accomplishments, highlights your motivation for success.


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